Hope you have been reviewing your goals and action steps as we inevitably continue to grow individually and collectively throughout the year. Surround yourself with Four Points of Power to help propel you into making your dreams an incredible reality. Not sure where to start! Break your list into to four manageable dimensions – you can work this more realistically. Imagine the dimensions as spokes in the wheel with each dimension being a part of the wheel. Easy to do! Consider these Four Points of Power to pave your way:

(1) Passion – Use it to get your motor running on the great things you want in your life – right now. Write these things and review them often. Share your dreams with others. Commit them to your creator and start seeing them as they really are as they begin to manifest themselves into your reality.

(2) Purpose – Discover, Acknowledge, and Walk into your Life Purpose. What is that you like doing, even when others may or may not be looking. If it is good and it bring you peace, blesses others, gives our creator glory – then go for it with all that you have got! Make it happen.

(3) Prosperity – You are a very rich person. You have an incredible heritage of greatness within you. You are able to bring out the best in yourself and others to help them discover all of the wealthy and wholesome qualities within them. You also have access to abundant intangible and tangible wealth. You choose how prosperous you desire to be – not your social standing. Imagine the richness of your relationships or being able to sing out loud or giving to your favorite charity – your time, talents, treasures and time.

(4) Persistence – Keep it moving forward, stay in your lane, get to stepping, keep believing – all of these statements help you to say in the game and make it your “A” game. 

Decide when you want to do what and when do you want to do it and have it done so that you can create another Point of Power. Do what you need to get there: Dream Big, Pray over it, Promote it and Live Victoriously.  You will see that your flame never goes out because you keep fanning it with your very best life – now!

Hoping and Believing in your continued professional and personal growth!

Dr. Sandra Sessoms-Penny, CPC