Focus on maximizing every area of your life, starting with your thought process and believing that you deserve to have what you desire to live a life of abundance and great expectations.  You only need approval from our Creator to keep on creating what has already been sown into you. Sometimes you have to dig deeper to find that precious seed. Have a true desire to step up and step over anything and anybody who has built up a fence around you and kept you stuck in fear, procrastination, low self-esteem, broke, busted and disgusted.
Sometimes if you look closely, through your reflection you will plainly see who that something or someone is. Even better, when you peer even closer, you see the possibilities of moving from a survival mode, to the success mode and ultimately into greater fulfillment because you learn to own your life and make destiny decisions. That's a vision to permanently carve into your mind and your heart. Know that you are incredible and filled with all the things you need to make a positive impact your life and the life of others. As a result of your knowing these things, amazing changes will inevitably take place and take over.

So now that we are here, reflect on what you want for the New Year 2015 and the rest of your life. You can have a little or you can have a lot depending on what you want or desire. What are you waiting for?